Thursday, November 27, 2014

[IT] Local Disk Is Not Accessible (There Is Not Enough Space)

Recently, I got a problem. The local disk on the computer used at my working place was so full and not accessible. We used Windows as an operating system. The problem was that computer was used as a server and could not work properly.

If you get the similar problem, you can solve it by these steps (source:!topic/ general/6uzZBEJwbBE).

1. Open a Command Prompt Windows (Start -> Run -> cmd).

2. Type on Command Prompt chkdsk f: /l:4096 /f (this will make the size of the log file 4MB from 65MB).

3. Now the drive should be accessible with 60MB free.

4. Clean some disk space (I'd recommend at least 10% so you don't encounter this issue again.)

5. In the Command Prompt, type chkdsk f: /l:65536 /f (You will encounter other issues if you don't. This command will set the log size back to 65MB).

6. Do like I did and have a drink for recovering a critical production server.

Hope it will help you :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

[LIFE] My Life Without FB, Twitter, IG, and Path

A month ago, my pal, Janet Valentina, out of nowhere, challenged me not to open any social media.(This gal is so random!). Howeveeeer, we compromised some rules, e.i.:

  1. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path because we felt that those social media are the most popular ones in our lives and most of youngsters. However, since Ms. Valentina works closely with social media, so we're allowed to open company's account (well, just Janet, I didn't handle the company's account).
  2. The challenge was valid in a month.
  3. We has to blog the article about it.

I thought: okay, let's do this.

Okay, my blog would be:


Well, I believe most of us depends on social media to see what the hack happens in the world. I myself is really lazy of opening the direct news website or reading the newspaper. So, it's lame, guys. I was less-updated. I didn't know anything at first. I didn't know there were a protest against Mr. Ahok as the next governor. I didn't get it when people talked about the things happened in social media. I was so confused. I relied on social media too much to get the update. So, just open the news portal and read the newspaper, dude! I did, and it helped me to see the lifestyle of people changes a lot, especially us, the young adult.

All people needs information. Stopping using social media doesn't mean that we has to shut it down. Come on, just bookmark two or more reliable news portals and we will be okay.

My life didn't get affected so much without interacting with them (like their status, comment). Oh, come on! Do you guys still see them as your real friends? I really appreciate the small number of my friends that keep me around them without this social media. I love them all! I enjoy a direct socializing.

By doing this, I realized how much wasted life that I went to by checking every single updates of social media. When I got the time off, I went somewhere and met the real people. I'm not such a social animal but I believe meeting the people that you love to meet directly is more appreciative.

Imagine if we could use the time that we wasted on social media meaninglessly by doing something more beneficial, for example having the pleasing time with our family, hiking, mopping the floor. It would be fantastic.

Well, sometimes I get such a annoying post on social media with negative or provocative statements. Some said they hate their lives. Some said they hate their partners. I felt my life was quite enjoyable without seeing the negative update. Remember, negativity spreads like smallpox. If we get used to seeing someone complaining, deep inside we just instill the thought that it's okay to spread out every complaints. Well, go check reality. It's not okay.

e. LESS ADDICTED (updated)
One of major impact is I became less addicted to any social media. I tended to check social media when I didn't know what to do. Now, I lost the interest to dwell into newsfeed. When I didn't see anything useful or entertaining, I closed the social media tab or app.

Well, you can see my account and you won't see any posts on September 20th, 2014 until October 20th, 2014. *wink*

Saturday, September 27, 2014

[LIFE] My First Job

Hello. Yay! I graduated from Binus University on June 17th, 2014. As an amateur in the real working jungle, I totally had no idea of how it looks like when I started seeking a job. I won't lie; it was so tiring. However, I found it as a worth-taking experience. I learnt a lot.


Some of my friends had a secure position before the graduation. Envious? I didn't, because I was not ready to dwell in a busy working hour. I had to go home and enjoy my time with my family. I'm from Bangka (Binus University: Jakarta) and my family is still there and for almost three and a half years, I seldom came home. If you read about my tiring-yet-thrilling experience of finishing thesis (in bahasa) and you would know the reason why I had to come home before starting working.

No regret at all. I enjoyed my time with my beloved family and commemorated my father's 100-day memorial. For the very first time, I realized how fragile my family without my father and how I love them with all of my heart.

At this time, some people started to ask me about my future plan, a job that I wanted to take, and where I wanted to work (Bangka or Jakarta). I never really thought about it. My focus was my family. At a point, my mom asked me about the same matters and I could not give her an assurance. One night, the thought came to me and I started to think what my passion was. From my organizational experience, I love event managing. The second thing coming to my mind was hospitality. Hospitality was hotel. My mind suddenly clicked. However, I never told anybody about that thought because it was still tentative.


It was a time to feel happiness. After the struggle (and payment), we could celebrate our winning date. My mom and sisters came to Jakarta and I could give my mom assurance that I gave the best just for her :)

I met some of my friends and some of them had worked. From their story, I could imagine how the working life looked like. Since I took Computer Science, the ideal position is a programmer. I got many friends that worked related to our study and some of them pursued different area. So, sometimes our education background didn't determine what path we want to take.


The celebration was over. Life went on. Some people said that it was the time to start living your own life. Some people said that you could not be picky for the first job because I didn't have any working experience (Internship? What is that?).

Yes, I was so picky for the first time. Guess what? I didn't get any call from the company that I applied. My excuse of my unfortunate was it was fasting month so the company didn't process the application before the long public holiday.

At the end of July, I got the job vacancy for the position that I was so interested! I applied for the job and browsed the information about the company. Well, I felt in love with the working environment there. One day after application, my phone rung but unfortunately, I was not in the position to take the call (taking a bath!). Well, I was so nervous to think that they would not call me back, However, a day after that, I got the call (and was able to take it, phew!). They wanted me to go for the first test. Yay.

I prepared myself well. I had to be there at 7.30 am. Could you imagine that? Jakarta? Rush hour in the morning! My God, to go there on time was just the first test! The place informed for the test was so far from my boarding house. So, I just woke up at 5 am, got ready, and stopped a taxi by 5.50 am. Phew, I got there on time (well, so early, about 6.45 am, but I was the third one coming)!

Well, I passed the first test. However, I failed at the second one, the interview. We (all candidates) were just interviewed for 3-7 minutes. After that, all of the candidates was free to go home and waited for the further contact from the recruitment team (after two weeks, don't hope).

Well, I got the confirmation that they declined my application (and I could guess why, I could not accept one of major condition for the job at the interview). I was so broken-hearted! I meant it and worked hard to get it. However, I got it; I had to accept that, the door was not right for me. After discussing with one of my friends, I didn't regret their decision (thanks, Tan! :D)

Well, move on! Apply for other vacancy! I learnt to compromise my expectation. I got several calls after dropping my CV. At a point, I happened to read this following post, I decided this was the time for me to really ask (or beg). So, I started 9-day Three Hail Marys devotion. Guess what? I got some calls in the middle of my 9-day devotion. The first one, a bank, a test, at 9 am, I got diarrhea! I got a troublesome stomachache and the first thing I searched after arriving was the toilet. Could you imagine? Well, I felt that it was not my way :( (the job was not my thing also).

The second one, quite fun, I thought that I did good enough and I found the job interesting. I got some tests from some companies also, but I thought this was the one. After three day finishing my I fist 9-day devotion, I started another one three day because I was nervous that I would not make it for the further phases. Thank God, I got the confirmation and passed the second and third phase (interviews).

So, the next one was medical check-up and completing the requirements! Okay, I will explain it in detail.

I passed the final interview, got the cover letter to get medical check-up, and was explained that I had to complete some documents. The difficult document to get was criminal records from police station.

Okay, I got the plan! Going to the neighborhood chairman's (Pak RT) house and asking for two domicile certificates tomorrow. Saturday was the day for my medical check-up.

I phoned some police stations and got informed that I could not take my criminal records in Jakarta because my address on my identity card stated Bangka as my current address. Okay... I was so doomed! I had to go home just to take this f....freaking document! I checked the airfares and it was about 380k IDR!

Still, I went to neighborhood chairman's house for a domicile certificate. I intent to use it to make a specific bank account used by the company for my salary payment and to compromise my address on my identity card, I needed this certificate. Guess what? I could not make the account because the domicile certificate I got was not signed by Pak RW (Pak RT and Pak RW are considered as a couple of neighborhood chairman) and not valid. Pak RT asked 20k IDR for that certificate and I got an incomplete document!

The conclusion was I must go home to make the bank account and take my criminal records because of my address on my identity card.

I'm so tired and I was not feeling well. I felt like I wanna throw up. I came back to my room and got rest. My body was so tired but I could not sleep tight because I had a sad stomach. My plan was tomorrow I took the medical check-up and caught a flight a day after (Sunday) to go home

I got a problem! I literally threw up. I could not take the medical check-up with my condition. So, I went seeing a doctor. I got diarrhea symptoms. I knew that. I changed the plan, taking medical check-up on Monday and going home Tuesday morning.

Getting rest!

Okay, I could feel my body was not a hundred percent fit! I could not take the medical check-up with this kind of condition. Change the plan! My friend, Janet Valentina, suggested to phone the company and inform that I could not take the medical check-up immediately and explain my condition to them. Well, thank God, the human resource could take my explanation.

I decided to go home first. I caught the flight in the evening. Happy! Yes! I met my family again! Suddenly, I felt so fit. Yeah! The power of a home. I ate my mother's cooking.

Well, I got the criminal records and the bank account. No major difficulties because I lived there based on my identity card.

Spending the time with my family and my friends

Going back to Jakarta in the afternoon. I spent almost 900k IDR for going home and back to Jakarta.

Morning: taking the medical check-up. Done, it took just almost 45 minutes.
Afternoon: going to the company for an uniform fitting and signing the contract.

Getting rest after a busy week. I had my hair cut neatly because of the company's grooming standards.

Searching for a new lodger (rent room) near the company. I could not stand the Jakarta's traffic.

Moving to the new lodger. It took a lot of energy. My God, I regretted so many things that I bought and stacked in my room.

Getting rest and enjoying my new room before working. The last day of my free life.

1. Getting a job that I need.
2. Getting a chance to go home before working.
3. Moving to the new boarding house near where I work.


It was so beautiful.

The first job was like a mix-match fate. Be patient and don't give up! :)

PS: my colleague said, "Welcome to the hell!" Hahaha, indeed :D

Sunday, September 21, 2014

[JOB] Wawancara Kerja, Ditanya Apa?

Okay, gw lulus dari universitas tahun ini, 2014. Seperti kebanyakan fresh graduate, gw memiliki dilema pekerjaan apa yang mau gw lakoni setelah lulus atau mau ga ya langsung ambil pendidikan lanjutan, S2. Setelah dipikir-pikir, gw lebih memilih untuk langsung lanjut kerja karena agak capek juga mau sekolah lagi (maybe later). So, fase yang gw langsung hadapi adalah job hunting.

Salah satu tahap yang paling gw kenang dari proses job application adalah interview alias wawancara. Gw ngblog tentang wawancara kerja ini bukan berarti gw jago dalam hal menghadapi wawancara kerja tapi gw cuma ingin bagi-bagi pengalaman gw aja. Jadi, apa yang gw tulis di sini mungkin tidak semuanya bisa kalian ambil atau bisa terapkan karena tergantung dari jenis pekerjaan yang kalian mau ambil. Satu hal yang ingin gw tekankan bahwa dalam wawancara kerja itu tidak ada aturan baku, tidak ada aturan yang itu benar, yang ini salah.

Oh, ya, sebelum mulai dengan pertanyaan apa saja yang sering ditanyakan kepada gw, ada beberapa hal yang gw ingin kalian tahu di pre-requirement, yakni:

1. Know yourself! Ini benar-benar penting. Jangan anggap remeh persyaratan ini! Minimal kalian harus tahu sifat dasar kalian, seperti introvert atau extrovert, plegmatis, melankolis, sanguinis, dan koleris. Ketahui kekurangan dan kelebihan kalian masing-masing. Siapkan kata-kata untuk mempresentasikan diri kalian sendiri (baca: menjual diri kalian sendiri!).

2. Know the company! Sebelum wawancara cari tahu beberapa informasi yang ada tentang perusahaan tersebut. Minimal kalian harus mengetahui nilai yang dipegang teguh oleh perusahaan tersebut.

3. Know who they need! Baca kembali job vacancy dan cari tahu orang seperti apa yang mereka butuhkan. Ingatlah bahwa beberapa perusahaan menaruh bobot ekspektasi yang tinggi kepada pelamar melalui interview. Hampir semua perusahaan memiliki competency dictionary atau panduan untuk meng-hire karyawan melalui poin-poin pertanyaan yang mereka ajukan. Jadi, hati-hati.

4. Suitable attire! Banyak orang yang tidak percaya bahwa pakaian itu berpengaruh dalam proses penerimaan kerja. Jawabannya, iya! Sesuaikan pakaian yang kalian pakai. Untuk bidang perbankan, perhotelan, penjualan, dan lain-lain, penampilan itu memiliki pengaruh. Ingat bahwa first impression itu bisa diubah jika orang yang berkaitan memang mengizinkan kita mengubahnya. Jadi, ciptakan kesan profesional dan antusias melalui pakaian yang kalian pilih supaya kalian tidak perlu membuang waktu membelokkan kesan awal yang jelek yang ditimbulkan dari pemilihan pakaian yang salah. Namun, formal bukan berarti paling sesuai, untuk beberapa industri seperti desain, mereka malah akan memandang aneh jika kalian berpakaian terlampau formal. So, cari tahu dan sesuaikan.

5. Prepare questions! Jika tidak ada pertanyaan, maka orang yang mewawancari kalian secara relatif menganggap kalian kurang berminat. Baca beberapa contoh pertanyaan yang dapat diajukan.

6. Be nice! 

7.  Don't fake it! Salah satu hal yang paling tabu adalah menipu pewawancara kita. Jawab semua pertanyaan dengan tulus, jujur, dan dengan pemilihan kata-kata yang tepat.

Cara kalian menjawab. Pernah dengar teori Albert Mehrabian bahwa dalam komunikasi lebih dari separuh aspek yang berpengaruh adalah bahasa tubuh, intonasi suara, dan baru konten dari apa yang kita kemukakan. Jadi, alangkah baiknya kalian menjabarkan semua jawaban dengan yakin, mantap, dan percaya diri! Mean every and each words! Kemukakan dengan bahasa tubuh yang mantap. Jangan menyenderkan badan tapi disarankan tegak atau agak condong ke depan, yang artinya kalian antusias. Jaga eye-contact. Jawab dengan suara yang mantap dan jelas. (Untuk anak Binusian 2014, open your CB book to know more!) Baca tips tentang bahasa tubuh yang akan membuatmu lebih dapat disukai saat wawancara kerja.

Oke, berikut ini adalah pertanyaan yang secara pribadi gw hadapi dari berbagai proses wawancara:

1. How do you describe yourself?

Ini adalah pertanyaan mematikan yang pertama. Ingat apa yang gw jabarkan sebelumnya? First impression. Ini adalah first impression pertama dalam aspek wawancaranya sendiri. Jabarkan apa yang tidak diketahui detil dari CV kalian. Masing-masing orang mungkin berbeda dalam menjawab pertanyaan ini tapi jika pertanyaan ini gw jawab, maka gw akan lebih suka menjawab ke arah sifat-sifat gw yang gw anggap potensial dan baik untuk pekerjaan yang ditawarkan. Ada juga teman gw, seperti Janet Valentina, yang mengkombinasikan dengan pengalaman organisasi, pendidikan, atau kerja. Jawaban yang ideal menurut gw adalah tidak terlalu panjang lebar dan bertele-tele (ya, maksimal dua menit).

Contoh jawaban yang menurut gw pribadi kurang menyakinkan:
"My name is Erwanda, I'm 22 years old. I graduated from ... I took Mathematics as my major. My hobbies are singing, reading, and writing that can improve my skill physically and mentally."

Mengapa? Karena jawaban itu masih mengambang, tidak menambah nilai plus ke diri kita sendiri. Well, beberapa informasi juga bisa dibawa pewawancara sendiri melalui CV.

Berikut ini gw pungut contoh-contoh jawaban yang cukup baik (dan males gw translate):

a. I'm a people person. I really enjoy meeting and working with a lot of different people.

b. I'm a perfectionist. I pay attention to all the details, and like to be sure that everything is just right.

c. I'm a creative thinker. I like to explore alternative solutions to problems and have an open mind about what will work best.

d. I'm efficient and highly organized. This enables me to be as productive as possible on the job.

e. I enjoy solving problems, troubleshooting issues, and coming up with solutions in a timely manner.

Source: Lifehack
“I am someone who…”
a. “can adapt to any situation. I thrive in a fluctuating environment and I transform unexpected obstacles into stepping stones for achievements.”

b. “consistently innovates to create value. I find opportunities where other people see none: I turn ideas into projects, and projects into serial success.”

c. “has a very creative mind. I always have a unique perspective when approaching an issue due to my broad range of interests and hobbies. Creativity is the source of differentiation and therefore, at the root of competitive advantage.”

d. “always has an eye on my target. I endeavor to deliver high-quality work on time, every time. Hiring me is the only real guarantee for results.”

e. “knows this job inside and out. With many years of relevant experience, there is no question whether I will be efficient on the job. I can bring the best practices to the company.”

Read more?

Source: Brazen Life
“I would say I’m…”
a. “Someone who has high expectations for my results. I am confident in my ability to produce, and while I prepare for the worst, I do the work necessary to tilt the odds so that the best will happen.”

b. “Someone who wants to be judged by individual performance and rewarded for my efforts based on my ability to execute.”

c. “Someone who wants to work for a successful company with strong leadership and vision, one that recognizes and rewards performers.”

d. “Someone who is consistently growing and takes the time to continue learning even though it’s not a direct requirement of the job. I find that many times, my professional growth is based on what I study, both directly and indirectly related to work.”

e. “Someone who is modest, hard-working and consistently sets firm goals for myself. Then, once I've defined my benchmarks, I take the necessary steps to achieve those milestones.”

Read more?

2. What is your long-term goal dan medium-term goal?

Well, gw agak-agak bingung menjawab pertanyaan yang ini. Medium-term goal itu adalah tujuan yang berjangka waktu setidaknya tiga tahun ke depan, sedangkan long-term itu minimal lima tahun mendatang. Salah satu teman gw, Edwin Marcel Lengkei, memberi saran untuk menjelaskan jenjang karir yang ingin kita capai dari jangka waktu tersebut berdasarkan career path yang memang tersedia. Jadi, kalian harus benar-benar jelas akan jenjang karir yang ada, jangan asal menebak. Dari pengalaman gw sendiri, gw pernah menjawab bahwa dalam jangka waktu tersebut hidup seperti apa yang gw inginkan dan alasan mengapa. Semuanya gw kembalikan ke diri kalian masing-masing.

3. When you were a child, who did you want to be?

Jawab dengan jujur dan pikirkan alasan mengapa dulu kalian ingin menjadi sosok ini. Well, pertanyaan ini juga bisa membuat suasana menjadi santai jika dijawab dengan sedikit humor pintar.

4. What is your strength and weakness?

Jika pertanyaan ini diutarakan ke gw, gw akan menjawab hanya satu atau dua poin untuk masing-masing, yang akan gw perbanyak adalah penjabaran dari setiap poin dengan contoh-contoh nyata. Untuk weakness, gw sarankan untuk memilih (bukan mengada-ada), weakness yang tidak krusial di bidang kerja itu. Contoh jawaban yang menurut gw agak asalah, kalian menjawab kalian adalah orang yang tidak pandai bergaul saat kalian apply di bidang sales atau marketing. Lalu, cari solusi untuk kekurangan ini. Jangan mencari kekurangan dan kelebihan yang bukan berasal dari diri kalian sendiri, misalnya, memiliki orang tua yang sangat mendukung, well, tidak sepenuhnya salah, namun hal ini akan menunjukkan kalian orang yang dependable pada orang lain atau situasi.

5. Why did you choose... (your major)?

Untuk hal ini, saran gw cuma satu: jangan pernah jawab salah pilih jurusan, dipilih orang lain, atau ikut teman! Temukan sisi-sisi positif dari jurusan yang kamu pilih dan kaitkan dengan alasan kamu memilih jurusan tersebut. Misalnya, kamu lulusan dari jurusan Sastra Inggris, kamu bisa mengutarakan bahwa kamu sangat suka membaca dan mengaji sastra karangan William Shakespeare. Silahkan berinovasi.

6. What kind of job do you want?

Jawab dengan pekerjaan yang minati dan sesuai dengan vacancy yang dilamar di perusahaan tersebut dan mengapa kalian menyukai pekerjaan itu atau pengalaman terkait yang ada. Jika kalian menjawab dengan pekerjaan yang memang kalian minati, namun tidak ada lowongan di perusahaan itu, maka peluang untuk masuk setipis kertas.

7. You chose... (your major), but why do you apply for...? (A cross-field application)

Beberapa kali gw ditanya pertanyaan ini karena beberapa kali gw apply di pekerjaan yang kurang sesuai dengan latar belakang pendidikan gw. Saran gw adalah cari pengalaman-pengalaman di saat kalian sedikit bersinggungan dengan bidang tersebut, misalnya, di pengalaman organisasi, dan kemukakan mengapa kalian menyukai pekerjaan itu.

8. Do you have any questions?

Bertanyalah! Minimal satu pertanyaan. Tunjukkan antusiasme kalian. Tidak akan ada waktu lain untuk menunjukkan ketertarikan kalian kalau pada tahap ini kalian gagal menunjukkan jika kalian benar-benar tertarik.

9. We have a hundred and more applicants, why should we hire you?

Well, selamat berinovasi :)

(1) Gw pernah diwawancara HRD untuk posisi trainee sales dan ada satu tes yang menarik sekali. Kalian pernah menonton The Wolf of Wall Street? Yup, gw disuruh menyakinkan customer untuk membeli suatu barang (pilih antara pena, remote control, dan air minum) dengan kelebihan yang bisa dikarang. Gw diberi waktu sekitar lima menit untuk berpikir. Ya, gw cas cis cus aja hahahaha...

(2) Saran gw dalam wawancara adalah buat suasana santai dengan tetap ramah. Percayalah, jika kalian kaku dan sangat gugup, pewawancara sendiri akan agak ragu dan sungkan untuk bertanya (dan hal ini bisa jadi berita kurang baik). Cermati bahasa tubuh pewawancara kalian. Sedikit humor gw rasa tidak apa-apa selama masih sopan. Gw bahkan pernah di tengah-tengah wawancara ditawari permen Fisherman dan dengan polosnya gw terima sambil nyengir seneng :D (tidak gw makan kok!), dan pewawancara gw tetap meneruskan wawancara dengan lebih santai dengan terus menghisap permen. Gw tetap respect kepada pewawancara gw walaupun beliau makan permen karena gw merasa suasana itulah yang gw dan beliau bisa nikmati saat wawancara. Akhirnya, beliu juga bercerita tentang pandangan beliau dan gw tetap nyegir seneng sampai berjam-jam gw pulang dari wawancara.

(3) Oh, ya, kalian dipanggil tes, beramah-tamahlah dengan semua pihak, termasuk pelamar lain. Kalian bisa mendapat kenalan dari universitas lain atau jurusan lain. Gw pribadi sangat suka mengobrol dengan pelamar lain untuk memperluas wawasan. Gw tahu ada beasiswa, jurusan-jurusan yang gw sendiri dulu tidak pernah dengar, dan banyak sekali, dunia ini luuuuuuaaaaaaaaaas sekali, dude.

(4) Oh, ya, ngomong-ngomong tentang body language, gw pernah menonton video di bawah ini. Penjelasannya membantu sekali and somehow mengubah gw. Recommended sebelum ikut wawancara kerja!

(5) Tanpa bermaksud untuk mengecilkan hati, hampir semua wawancara kerja yang gw alami, kebanyakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kesimpulannya, penguasaan bahasa asing itu bisa menjadi poin yang cukup bagus dalam wawancara, artinya kecakapan berkomunikasi dengan bahasa internasional dapat dibuktikan. Selain itu, lowongan kerja tertentu sering mencantumkan kecakapan bahasa asing lain. Jadi, jangan pernah merasa percuma untuk belajar bahasa asing. It helps you so much!

(6) Be nice dan jadi diri sendiri! :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

[IT] Berkembang Pesat, Karir di E-Commerce Sangat Menjanjikan di Indonesia

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi peradaban global telah berimbas pada perubahan tingkah laku komersil konsumen. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi melalui Internet dan kecepatan aliran informasi yang secepat kilat telah melahirkan preferensi konsumen untuk berbelanja di toko online. E-commerce telah menjadi salah satu bidang bisnis dengan potensi dan ekspektasi pertumbuhan yang sangat besar.
Tak dapat dipungkiri Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terpengaruh dengan tren ini. Berdasarkan riset SAP yang berpusat di London pada Agustus 2013 lalu, sebanyak 70 persen responden di Asia-Pasifik mulai hobi berbelanja barang maupun jasa secara online dalam dua belas bulan terakhir. Hasil hampir serupa juga dirilis oleh Mindshare mengenai motivasi online di 33 negara di seluruh dunia pada Agustus lalu. Indonesia duduk di peringkat ke-13 dalam hal motivasi penggunaan media digital untuk transaksi komersil.
E-commerce mengubah acuan bermain para pelaku bisnis. Banyak pelaku bisnis yang diuntungkan dengan adanya situs-situs yang mampu memayungi transaski bisnis mereka, termasuk di Indonesia. Kaskus, yang berdiri sejak 1999 hanya sebagai sebuah forum online dulunya, dengan jumlah pengguna mencapai lima juta orang dan nilai transaksi mencapai Rp575 milyar telah menjadi salah satu penyedia e-commerce terbesar di Indonesia. Pelaku bisnis ini juga mulai mengalihkan tampuk bisnis mereka melalui e-commerce. Pasar e-commerce Indonesia kini diramaikan oleh bank, seperti Citibank (, BNI (, dan Bank Mandiri (, yang juga menyediakan situs jual beli online.

Bidang bisnis yang cukup diminati untuk dikembangkan dengan e-commerce di Indonesia adalah fashion. Banyak perusahaan ritel yang mencoba peruntungan baru dengan mendirikan toko online yang digunakan sebagai sarana untuk memasarkan, mempromosikan, dan mengolah transaksi yang ada. Ethnicity, Bobobobo, Cotton Ink, dan Dresscodes adalah beberapa nama yang saat ini cukup memberikan pengaruh dalam bangkitnya fashion Indonesia melalui e-commerce. Akan tetapi, e-commerce bukan berarti menjadikan bisnis selalu berjalan lancar tanpa sandungan. Menurut pendiri Dresscodes, Cindy Mulyasasmita, seperti yang dimuat dalam Jakarta Globe, orang Indonesia mempunyai kecenderungan untuk perlu mencoba dan melihat langsung pakaian yang hendak mereka beli, walaupun semua proses dapat dilakukan hanya dengan satu klik mouse. Tantangan yang harus dihadapi adalah bagaimana mendidik dan memberitahukan kepada masyarakat bahwa berbelanja online itu nyaman. Foto produk dari berbagai sudut dan deskripsi produk yang tertera tidaklah cukup. Oleh sebab itu, penggunaan media sosial untuk komunikasi dimanfaatkan untuk berinteraksi langsung dengan calon pembeli untuk membuat mereka cukup nyaman dan percaya untuk berbelanja. Namun, hal hanya menjadi suatu tantangan strategi pemasaran yang tidak akan terlalu menjadi hambatan untuk perkembangan e-commerce secara keseluruhan.
Bukti lain sedang berkembangnya e-commerce adalah Tokopedia, salah satu e-commerce yang sangat berkembang di Indonesia, baru-baru ini menerima suntikan investasi sebesar $100 juta atau Rp1,2 triliun dari Softbank dan Sequoia Capital. Pendanaan ini menjadikan Tokopedia sebagai start-up e-commerce dengan investasi terbesar di Indonesia. (Sumber:
Karir di bidang bisnis pengembangan e-commerce tidak dapat diragukan lagi telah menjelma menjadi salah satu karir yang sangat menjanjikan. Layanan pembuatan situs untuk jual beli online, analisis proses bisnis online, dan periklanan online dipilih karena pangsa pasar yang luas dan menjanjikan. Beberapa karir yang secara spesifik dapat dipilih di bisnis pengembangan e-commerce adalah:
1.       Web programmer
Web programmer bertanggung jawab dalam pemrograman web. Kemampuan yang dimilikinya berkaitan erat dengan bahasa pemrograman web, seperti HTML, PHP, dan Javascript.
2.       Web system analyst
Web system analyst bertugas merancang sistem dan memastikan sistem memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna.
3.       Business analyst
Business analyst berfokus pada perancangan solusi untuk permasalahan bisnis, bertatap muka langsung dengan pengguna untuk menunjukkan dan menjelaskan bagaimana teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dapat berguna secara inovatif.
4.       Web database administrator
Web database administrator bertanggung jawab mengelolah dan memelihara database yang digunakan dalam web.
5.       Web designer
Web designer merancang antarmuka web yang efektif dan tidak membingungkan pengguna.
Pilihan untuk berbisnis sendiri melalui e-commerce juga menjadi pilihan baik bila Anda adalah tipikal orang yang tidak ingin berlari-lari di jalanan dan melupakan keluarga, teman, dan kekasih karena pekerjaan seperti Andrea Sachs di Devil Wears Prada atau harus menelan sakit hati selama bekerja selama bertahun-tahun seperti Nick Hendricks di Horrible Bosses. Dalam bisnis ini, ide-ide segar dalam penyediaan barang atau jasa secara online masih terbuka sangat lebar. Kunci utama untuk sukses menyelami bisnis ini adalah inovasi dan padai menganalisi peluang. Jeff Bezos
telah membuktikan hal tersebut. Ia berhasil melihat peluang usaha untuk membuka perusahaan ritel yang menjual barang secara online. situs yang ia dirikan berhasil menduduki dunia e-commerce dan berkembang dari hanya menjual buku menjadi menjual banyak sekali jenis barang ke seluruh dunia.
Tegasnya, e-commerce menjadi jembatan besi bagi bisnis di Indonesia untuk berpindah dari konsep bisnis konvensional menjadi bisnis global dengan layanan tak pernah tidur. Jadi, karir di bidang ini akan selalu terbuka bagi para praktisi teknologi.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

[SONG] Hear Sia's Beautiful Soul

Sia Kate Isobelle Furler, known as Sia, is an Australian singer and songwriter that rises to prominent lately. The first song I heard co-written by Sia Furler was "Titanium" by David Guetta and Sia featured in it (supposed to be Mary J. Blige intially). Lyrically, it was incredible and it was thrilling vocally. I definitely found my favorite song again. As a singer, I cannot doubt her talent, yet, as songwriter, I found out later that she was heavenly gifted. I assume that her breathtaking experience in life has brought her rich perspective in seeing life, love, and human and blended with a beautiful word-spinning talent, she can make such a beautiful and rich metaphor song.

She was supposed to marry her girlfriend (she described herself as a pansexual, can have interest in any gender or sex identity), JD Samson, in June 2010 but broke up later. She was experiencing a deep-blue depression and attempted suicide. Consequently, she suffered from alcohol and painkiller to "reduce" her despair. She even wrote a suicide note. She has a poor health and cancelled all the promotions and shows scheduled before. Diagnosed with a Graves' disease (an autoimmune disease characterized by hyperthyroidism due to circulating autoantibodies), she struggled in her life. Guess what! She didn't give up! She improved herself medically and mentally.

Could you imagine going through her life and experience? However, it was not a going-for-nothing experience. Look at her! She is shining. "Titanium" co-written and featured her vocal was her peak-point beginning. After that, there was a success of party-themed "Wild Ones" that was also co-written and featured her vocal. She wrote the songs for many other singers afterwards: Rihanna, Christina Aguilera, Ne-Yo, Céline Dion, Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Beyoncé, Shakira, Kylie Minogue, Lea Michele, Jeniffer Lopez, Eminem, Maroon 5, Rita Ora, and still counting. Some of their beautiful songs lately maybe was written by Sia Furler.

She is so humble and a true artist, not a media-user addict. Sia announced her engagement to filmmaker Erik Anders Lang on June 6th, 2014 and married on August 2nd, 2014. I wish them happiness.

Here are the songs with various themes co-written or contain Furler's vocal that I favor so much.

1. "Chandelier" by Sia

2. "Loved Me Back to Life" by Céline Dion

3. "Titanium" by David Guetta featuring Sia

4. "Wild Ones" by Flo Rida featuring Sia

5. "My Love" by Sia

6. "Elastic Heart" by Sia featuring The Weeknd and Diplo

7. "Pretty Hurts" by Beyoncé

8. "Beautiful Pain" by Eminem featuring Sia

9. "Guts Over Fear" by Eminem featuring Sia

10. "Diamonds" by Rihanna

11. "Let Me Love You (Until You Learn to Love Yourself)" by Ne-Yo

12. "Fire Meet Gasoline" by Sia

13. "Flashlight" by Jessie J

Here are the additional ones after Sia released "This Is Acting" in 2016.

14. "Broken Glass" by Sia
"I'm not discarding you like broken glass
There are no winners when the die is cast
There's only tears when it's the final chance
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance
So don't give up, it's just young lovers' romance"

15. "Alive" by Sia

16. "Unstoppable" by Sia
"I put my armor on
Show you how strong how I am
I put my armor on
I'll show you that I am."

Complete playlist:

Watch this video to know more:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

[SONG] Heart-Rubbing Mandarin Ballad

Well, I make this playlist because I know some certain songs that will make you gloomy (tend to be sad) while listening to. However, don't expect me to be a Mandarin expert. I have no idea how to speak Mandarin. Okay, just check this out.

1. "Jú Huā Tái" (Chrysanthemum Flower Bed) by Jay Chou

I think to completely witness the gloomy feeling from this song, you must watch Curse of the Golden Flower by a brilliant Chinese and award-winning director, Zhang Yimou. To be honest, I watched this movie because of the beautiful Gong Li (and let's not talk about it further).

The song itself is a mixture of elegant and modern-traditional taste of Chinese music. Moreover, the Chou's mellow voice made this song so saddening.

2. "Mù Lán Xīng" (Mulan Star) by Jane Zhang


Okay, this time it is Mulan: Rise of a Warrior and this time I watched this movie because of Zhao Wei (and let's not talk about it further too). Mulan: Rise of a Warrior was a drama movie, so don't image watching a romantic comedy movie or happy-and-comical Disney's version.

"Mù Lán Xīng" contains a thick traditional Chinese music and presented greatly by Zhang's voice. Well, I don't understand any lyrics (or the English-translated one), but I just feel the pain through the music.

3. "Shí Jiān Zhǔ Yǔ" (Time Boils the Rain) by Yisa Yu and Wu Yi Fan (Kris)

Well, a movie soundtrack too, Tiny Times. Well, I watched this because I was really bored, then I googled the highest grossing Chinese movies and Tiny Times was one of them.

"Shí Jiān Zhǔ Yǔ" was the original soundtrack of Tiny Times (or Tiny Times 1.0). Yisa Yu sang the first movie and I completely felt in love and blue while listening to this song. I thought Yisa Yu brilliantly did a great job. When she sung it live, everybody was just silent and tried to sing it along silently. Watch it!

"Shí Jiān Zhǔ Yǔ" was also sung by Wu Yi Fan (Kris the ex-member of EXO) for the Tiny Times 3 original soundtrack. He was also successful capturing the mellow atmosphere and transformed the song into a good one without losing its original melting taste.

4. "Wǒ Ài Nǐ" (I Love You) by S.H.E

"Wǒ Ài Nǐ" is my most favorite song by S.H.E. It captured the romantic, sad, and painful side. Watch the music video too (I insist!).

5. "Wǒ Ài Nǐ" (I Love You) by Debbie Hsiao (or Xiao He Shuo)

Brilliant. An exceptionally favorable gloomy and sad lyrics. The music and lyrics was arranged by Hsiao herself. Hsiao has a sultry that is fitted to sing a ballad like "Wǒ Ài Nǐ" (sometimes known as "Salanheo" means Korean "saranghaeyo", "I Love You").

6. "Wǒ Yuàn Yì" (I'm Willing) by Faye Wong

"Wǒ Yuàn Yì" is one of the signature songs by Heavenly Queen or Diva of Asia, Faye Wong. Listening to this song, I believe you can imagine why Faye Wong was called Heavenly Queen. Her angelic voice is so rare, heart-touching, also painful, especially in "Wǒ Yuàn Yì."

7. "Ràng Wǒ Ài Nǐ" (Let Me Love You) by Vic Zhou & Barbie Hsu

This song is quite simple and moving. One of the original soundtrack of Taiwanese drama, Mars (that I watched not purposefully a looooong tiiiiime agoooooo. Thanks to my auntie.). Don't expect an acrobatic vocal run because it's so simple (like my aforesaid statement) with a beautiful piano arrangement.

8. "Mù Lán Qíng" (Mulan's Passion) by Stefanie Sun

"Mù Lán Qíng" is also the original soundtrack of Mulan: Rise of a Warrior. I love this song, composed with a traditional wave and melismatic vocal run by Sun. Favorable and unique (and touching as well). You could feel Mulan's pain in this song.

9. "Cǎi Hóng" (Rainbow) by Jay Chou

"Cǎi Hóng" is my recent favorite song. This song is one of successful song by Jay Chou. The melody and the Chou's voice can blend into the sadness bomb. It's complemented with a narrative music video that helps the viewer to fall into the feeling. It is so beautifully arranged as a slow tear-dropping ballad.

Enjoy the complete playlist!

Monday, August 18, 2014

[SONG] The Three Divas Singing Their "Shake It Off"

"Shake It Off" (shake sb/sth off), from Cambrige Dictionaries Online, means 1. to get away from someone or something that will not stop following you. 2. (informal) to beat an opponent, or to free yourself from someone or something that is limiting you. The idiom seems so appealing to some singers to sing and write the personal songs titled "Shake It Off" with various meanings and genres. These are three popular singers that I knew have the singles titled "Shake It Off." Let's not compare them because their own "Shake It Off"s are really different at the meaning and the spirit.

1. Taylor Swift

Swift's version is about the Swift's dislike of haters. This is the lead single of Swift's fifth album (the first pop one), 1989. Rich of drum beat. Personally, I didn't recognize the production of Max Martin (that has worked with Katy Perry ("California Gurls", "Teenage Dream", "E.T.", "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)", "Roar", "Dark Horse", etc.), Britney Spears ("...Baby One More Time", "Oops!... I Did It Again", "Till the World Ends", "I Wanna Go", etc.), and many more) and Shellback (Britney Spears ("If U Seek Amy", "I Wanna Go", etc.), Pink ("So What", "Raise Your Glass", etc.), and many more). Exactly, it's not the first time Swift working with them. On the previous album (Red), Max Martin and Shellback wrote and produced "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together", "I Knew You Were Trouble", and "22".

The music video is typical pop music video with an extensive dance move (twerkiiing!). The song with a contiguous freedom taste.

2. Mariah Carey

"Shake It Off" maybe was less popular than a massive and queen-returning "We Belong Together," but this song was considered one of the best songs in The Emancipation of Mimi and reached moderate success (peaked at #2 on Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks!) and crowned Carey's as the first female lead artist occupied the top two positions of the Hot 100 ("We Belong Together" #1 and "Shake It Off" #2 at the same week). The Carey's version is rich of R&B sound that was praised with generally positive reviews from music critics.

"Shake It Off" remarks the standout from a relationship with an unfaithful lover, packing the Louis Vuitton and breaking up with him over an answering machine. Very favorable, R&B, and Mariah Carey.

3. Agnez Mo (previously known as Agnes Monica)

"Shake It Off" was included by an Indonesia pop singer, Agnez Mo, in her third studio album, Sacredly Agnezious. Agnez Mo herself wrote the song and Erwin Gutawa produced it. Agnez's voice is incredible here, not over-sang and melismatic at the end. The song contains a rich dance vibe and the lyrics suggest us to follow her to dance and shake it off!

They write and sing them for you, so enjoy and shake it off!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

[SONG] Songs Making Darker Feeling

Have you ever felt your mood suddenly changes when listening to a certain kind of song? Well, this time I would like to express the songs that often make me feel darker and addicted. It's maybe because of the lyrics, music, or even the singers themselves (I couldn't completely find it out with the particular reason). However, I LOVE the feeling and keep listening to these particular songs on and on. Enjoy!

1. "Team" by Lorde

When I heard "Royals," the first single by Lorde, honestly I didn't really love it. However, when "Team" was released, I was so pleased. I love kind of mood that Lorde brought into this song (and almost all songs in her first album, her voice suits this kind of music). "Team" was my favorite and the darkest.

Lorde (at this time, 17 yo) is such an amazing talent. She was the youngest person to be nominated for the Grammy Award for Record of the Year, with "Royals." I hope she could keep my mood darker. (Seriously, do you guys feel the same?)

2. "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley

God, I freakingly love this song covered by Jeff Buckley. I didn't understand the lyrics (and stopped trying, just enjoyed my confusion). For the first time, I feel dark mood when listening to a religious song. I could not describe my feeling, you just have to listen to this Leonard Cohen's classic by Buckley.

I'm just obsessed. Just a simple song with an electric guitar and mesmerized voice.

I remember that this cover saved the life of Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy when he attempted to suicide because of his depression (two thumps up!).

3. "Paper Planes" by M.I.A.

M.I.A. brought an organic sound in "Paper Planes." This song was highly praised for its blending of political and pop. For me, "Paper Planes" is just an unique song with the usage cash register and shooting sound, leaves me with a street and urban taste. It peaked at #4 on Billboard Hot 100 and nominated for Record of the Year, the 51st Grammy Awards in 2009.

4. "Summertime Sadness" by Lana Del Rey

Well, "Summertime Sadness" is a complete package of darkness: the music, lyrics, and music video. The music? You just need to hear it yourself. The lyrics? Think I'll miss you forever like the stars miss the sun in the morning sky/Later's better than never even if you're gone I'm gonna drive (drive, drive). Okay, the most crucial one, the music video. The music video contains a despair atmosphere, impossible-to-be-together love affair, and suicide because of love. Anything has not been mentioned? However, I love it. I never feel depressed while listening to this song. I just feel dark and happy hahahaha.

P.S. Lana Del Rey is, you know, the kind of singer that sings dark-mood songs (with her voice, it's incredible). She has many songs with an alike "Summertime Sadness" mood, but I'm going to include two more (based on my preference).

5. "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey (again)

"Young and Beautiful" was an original soundtrack of The Great Gatsby. This song was well done. Lana's voice is like hunting you here. Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? I know you will, I know you will. It sounds like a threat, right? I know you WILL, I know you WILL. hahahaha.

6. "Once Upon A Dream" by Lana Del Rey (again and again)

Lana transformed sweet and love-at-the-first-sight theme"Once Upon a Dream" in The Sleeping Beauty into a dark one in Maleficent (2014). It's like a song for a nightmare. Most of my friends thought that this song was sung by Maleficent herself (acted by Angelina Jolie). Angelina Jolie personally chose Lana Del Rey to sing it for the movie. I think it's brilliant because of the Gothic theme of the movie.

7. "Shot You Down" by Audio Bullys featuring Nancy Sinatra

"Shot You Down" was taken from "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" covered by Nancy Sinatra. "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" was originally sung by Cher and inspired various artists, such as and David Guetta, to make a cover or sample it. This Audio Bullys' version is my favorite one.

8. "A Wake" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Evan Roman

This song contains lyrics that reflect a modern reality. "A Wake" is so pleasing with incredible Evan Roman's voice. I think it's so simple and original, not really like other rap songs that sometimes contain annoying sound. Well, "I need love/You need love/Give me love and I'll give you my love" sounds fair for me and threatening as well.

9. "My Love" by Sia

I haven't watched The Twilight Saga: New Moon, so I don't know whether this song was quite well for that movie or not. Still, "My Love" is not such a romantic song because its lack of smoothness, but it's composed by emotion, piano-driven melody, and Sia's voice that are contagious to hear at certain level.

10. "Somewhere over the Rainbow" by Judy Garland

Simple because of its mystical feeling. Pleasing and non interchangeable. It's like you're ready to get lost following Dorothy.

Enjoy the playlist and feel darkeeeer!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

[SONG] I-Won't-Hear-You Anthems

Well, have you ever felt that no body understands what you're doing and you just like "I don't careee!" This is a playlist containing some songs that maybe reflect you own feeling right now. This is just my personal playlist, so don't complaint if I didn't include the song that maybe you know (it's impossible I know every songs, right?). There are "I don't care! Back off!" songs, controversial, and motivational ones. Feel free to add the songs that you know on the comment. Voilà, just enjoy I-won't-hear-you anthems.

I don't CAREEEEEEEEEEE what you think
as long as it's about MEEEE!

1. "I Don't Care" by Fall Out Boy

The first time I heard this song was when I was in high school and I immediately felt this was my favorite one. The lyrics contain statements that encourage us to be self-independent of what people think about us as long as we're happy and comfortable about ourselves. I personally use this song and scream it out loud when I feel completely blue about the offence shot by people surrounding me. Lock the door, say "I don't caaaaaare about what you think as long as it's about me!"

"I Don't Care" is lead single from Folie à Deux by Fall Out Boy in 2008. This song enjoyed a moderate success in US and Australia. I love the pop-punk, make me really feel like a dissident whenever I sing it. If you're under seventeen, I don't really suggest you to watch the official music video hahahaha.

They tried to make me go to rehab
but I said, 'NO, NO, NO.'

2. "Rehab" - Amy Winehouse

"Rehab" is a signature song of the late Amy Winehouse. Well, this song is incredible and rich of soul wave. Winning three Grammy Awards in 2008 (nominated for two more). However, I remember Amy couldn't go to the ceremony and receive the awards personally because of no permission from UK government.

"Rehab" tells the refusal by Amy to go the rehab although she was insisted going by everybody. At that time, Amy was labeled as troubled singer with many controversies following her. The message I want you to instill that it's okay to compromise yourself and follow the advise from somebody that loves and cares about you (highlight: LOVES and CARES).

If you wanna just scream, SCREAM YOUR LUNGS OUT
If you wanna just cry, CRY YOUR EYES OUT
(I'm not doing that)

3. "Mannequin" by Britney Spears

Exactly, Britney Spears has some songs that can be concluded in this list and I am going to tell the others afterward. Personally, I like the concept of this song. It's like you can do whatever you want (dressing me, crying, and screaming) and I won't change (my face is like a mannequin).

"Mannequin" was included in Britney's album, Circus (2008). This album was considered as a true comeback of Britney. "Mannequin" maybe is not as strong and addicting to hear like the songs decided as singles from Circus, but I think it's still pleasing to hear.

Love me hate me
But all of the boys and all of the girls are
begging to If U Seek Amy

4. "If U Seek Amy" by Britney Spears

I assume that you know this is a controversial song. Still, I would tell you the reasons.

First, its popular phonetically spelling is like "F*CK ME" (If = F You = U SEE = C K AMY = K ME). So, can you image that the song sounds like "Love me hate me/Say what you want about me/But all of the boys and all of the girls are begging to...."

Second, Amy. In 2007-2008 before Circus was released, Britney encountered a mental breakdown (a really serious one), made many controversial deeds, and stirred media into a magic havoc. The publication of Britney was as strong as publication of Amy Winehouse in UK. Some perceived that "If U Seek Amy" was declaration of Britney's dislike of people's assumption that she would encounter the same fate to Amy Winehouse. However, some argued that Amy was an alter ego of Britney. Well, it stays a mystery.

The song itself is like a b*tchy way to say "Back off!"

I'm Mrs. "Oh my God that Britney's shameless!"
(You want a piece of me)
I'm Mrs. "She's too big now she's too thin."
(You want a piece of me)

5. "Piece of Me" by Britney Spears

This song was like a story of Spears' life. The message is no matter how good you are, there will be always people badmouthing you (Guess I can't see the harm in working and being a mama/And with a kid on my arm I'm still an exceptional earner).

They can say anything they want to say,
Try to bring me down,
But I will not allow anyone to succeed hanging clouds over me,
And they can try how to make me feel that I, 
Don't matter at all,
But I refuse to falter in what I believe or loose faith in my dreams

6. "Can't Take That Away (Mariah's Theme)" by Mariah Carey

Well, I don't know why Carey had to put "(Mariah's Theme)" on the official title. Okay, let's not discuss about it. This is the song that I fully RECOMMEND to you when you encounter a hard criticism and feel deeply blue. This beautiful song was written by Mariah Carey herself and Dianne Warren (shockingly, Warren wanted to share the songwriting with anybody else). Dianne Warren is a songwriter of many successful and award-winning hits, such as "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith, "How Do I Live" by LeAnn Rimes, "Because You Loved Me" by Céline Dion, and so oooon.

The lyrics are so beautiful and encouraging to pursue our dreams, no matter what others say. Of course, it contains spiritual message within (I think it's Mariah's character to put a hope for God's help in her motivational songs). I insist to watch the lyrics video below.

Lord knows dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone tear them away

7. "Hero" by Mariah Carey

Description? No need!

Miss 'No way, it's all good!'
It didn't slow me down.

8. "Funckin' Perfect" by Pink (stylized as P!nk)

"Fuckin' Perfect" or "Fucking Perfect" or "F**kin' Perfect" or "F#@%ing Perfect" or "Perfect" is quite empowering song to clear a "you-have-to-do-this-and-that-to-be-good" label by everyone. Stop poisoning ourselves with the dogma of dying our own personalities to be accepted by society.

I'm critized but all your bullets ricochet.

9. "Titanium" - David Guetta featuring Sia

This song is one of the most successful songs by David Guetta and Sia without any significant promotions. The unique voice of Sia molded well in this song. Originally, "Titanium" was intended to be sung by Mary J. Blige (Blige's version was recorded too), but Guetta felt that Sia (the songwriter) was the key of this song.

I heard "Titanium" before it was decided to be a single when I heard the Guetta's complete album, Nothing but the Beat. I love this song immediately because of its strong composition and electronic tunes that were melted so well.

The song itself describes the refusal of being controlled by cruel criticism. We're as powerful as titanium, so let's not let anybody shoot you down and fall for being someone that is not you. You shoot me down but I won't fall/I am titanium.


Yess, dear, it's "Titanium."

Enjoy the playlist!

Friday, August 15, 2014

[LIFE] Skripsi (Sebuah Perjuangan) - Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis

"Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis"

Mungkin kalimat ini akan selalu nyangkut di kepalaku mengingat seringnya kalimat ini diulang-ulang, dikomat-kamit, dan dirombak ulang sewaktu aku dan teman-temanku (Try "XYC" Permatasari dan Imelda) harus menyusun skripsi di semester tujuh (2013-2014).

JULI 2013
Bila berbicara tentang skripsi kami ini, rasanya ingin nangis beneran. Topik ini dipilih setelah hampir lima topik lain diusulkan dalam proposal skripsi dan kandas di tengah jalan (sekarang cukup senang topik-topik itu kandas, I had no idea how to run those topics). Topik ini ajaibnya lahir satu hari sebelum deadline pengumpulan proposal skripsi. Waktu itu akhirnya aku benar-benar percaya statemen klise "JANGAN MENYERAH" (*background sound d'Masiv*), bayangkan sehari sebelum proposal itu harus dikumpulkan, semua ide skripsi masih mentah.

Aku ingat waktu itu pulang dari bertemu dengan calon dosen pembimbing (yang akhirnya TRULY jadi dosen pembimbing) kami, wajah kami bertiga seperti orang kena vonis mati petang itu. Harapan lulus tepat waktu di ujung tanduuuuk, maaaaaaaan! Akhirnya kami putuskan untuk mengumpulkan proposal dengan topik sebelumnya sambil menggojlok topik yang akan kami jadikan skripsi. Untungnya, Ko Rhio Sutoyo, itu lho calon dosen pembimbing yang disebutkan di atas, setuju dan mau jadi dosen pembimbing (dan kami yakin itu juga ada faktor kasihan hahahahahahahahaha).

Topik yang kami ajukan di proposal waktu itu tentang web semantik untuk web portal jurnal (yang entah apa isi aku sudah lupa semua). Setelah itu, melalui sumber-sumber di Internet (Oh, thank you sooo much Google!), kami memilih topik yang berbunyi seperti ini "Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis, Selling Forecast, dan Analisis Web", lalu aku dan Try Permatasari pulang kampung (Bangka) dan Imelda pulang ke rumahnya, dan melanjutkan hidup kami masing-masing.

Skripsi benar-benar berada di planet lain. Setiap hari aku harus membantu di toko karena Papaku waktu itu sedang recovery stroke. Jadi, aktivitasku hanya membantu di toko dan mengantar Papa terapi. Jika teman-temanku yang lain sudah mulai mengerjakan program untuk skripsi mereka, bahkan ada yang programnya hampir jadi, skripsi kami masih bentuk khayalan di kepala masing-masing. Sampai suatu hari, Ko Rhio chat WhatsApp menanyakan perkembangan skripsi kami, dan aku hanya bisa menjelaskan bahwa masih belum bisa mulai. (Thank you sooo much for your consideration, Ko :'))

Akhirnya perkuliahan hampir dimulai dan aku harus kembali ke Jakarta dan (rencananya) mulai menyusun skripsi. Akhirnya masalah pertama pun harus kami hadapi. Karena skripsi kami memerlukan implementasi bisnis secara riil, kami harus memiliki usaha yang menginginkan bisnisnya kami pilih dan datanya dipublikasikan. Sampai mendekati bulan Oktober, belum ada satu pun toko-toko online yang bersedia kami jadikan contoh implementasi skripsi kami, sehingga pemrograman web tidak bisa dimulai. Waktu itu cuma remah-remah bab pertamalah yang kami kerjakan sambil terus konsultasi dengan Ko Rhio.

Setelah berusahan menghubungi teman-teman yang bisa membantu, akhirnya kami menerima bantuan dari serorang yang sangat baik hati, Christie Liu, yang aku kenal dari salah satu kakak kelasku. Christie bersedia membantu kami dengan memberikan izin usaha toko online-nya, Christie's Galleries dipakai dan diobok-obok. Thanks, God. Oke, satu masalah clear.

Setelah berkonsultasi dengan Ko Rhio, akhirnya embel-embel Selling Forecast dan Analisis Web dihapus karena takut projek skripsi tidak akan selesai tepat waktu (lega sekaliiii! *jungkir balik*). Satu teknik saja sudah sangat ribet apalagi tiga. Jadilah Market Basket Analysis ini fokus topik skripsi kami (yang sumpah ribet banget dan sumber untuk belajarnya masih sangat terbatas).

Kegiatan yang rutin kami lakukan di bulan-bulan ini: menulis laporan skripsi, mengerjakan web, bimbingan, kuliah (yang ga kerasa banget), dan chat dengan Christie dan minta ini itu. Di bulan-bulan ini kadang kala kami begadang sampai pagi, jadi pelupuk mata tambah hitam dan kantung mata tambah besar secara drastis. Tahun baru dilewatkan seperti angin sepoi-sepoi alias ga kerasa.

Ini bulan penuh dengan perjuangan. Bulan deadline skripsi di depan mata dan skripsi masih jauh dari rampung. Bulan ini mandiku bisa sangat lama karena memikirkan skripsi (ga tau kalo mandi itu bagiku banyak banget ilham yang masuk ke kepala). Kami bertiga sangat depresi. Web belum jadi-jadi, database masih ada salahnya, penulisan masih jauh, dan rekomendasi tampilannya masih kacau. Aku ingat suatu hari si Imelda pernah berceloteh bahwa di database kami tidak ada ukuran untuk produk dan benar saja, di minggu terakhir pengumpulan skripsi kami masih merobak database cuma karena tidak ada ukuran! Hampir Imlek kami malah depresi parah. Selain itu, ujian akhir semester hampir di depan mata. (Jujur, kuliah semester tujuh itu seperti ditiup angin, dirasain waktu masuk kelas saja, setelah itu tidak terasa lagi. No offence. This is just my honest opinion.)

***IMLEK HARI KE-1, 2, 3, dan 4***
Imelda pulang ke rumah dan aku ke rumah tanteku. Rencananya ngerayain Imlek sampai hari kedua, tapi aku malah molor kembali ke kosan sampai hari ketiga malam karena aku pikir skripsi sudah hampir selesai dan tinggal dicetak saja. Dan ternyata... malam hari ketiga Imlek itu aku begadang karena ngprint skripsi kami itu susahnya minta ampun. Banyak, bolak-balik, halaman kedua potrait dan halaman selanjutnya landscape. Ngprint sendirian karena Imelda dan Try yang sekelas waktu itu ada ujian dan besok deadline mengumpulkan skripsi. Kalang kabut, ga tidur, ga makan pagi, ga makan siang, ga mandi, mengurung diri di kosan, hape sudah tenggelam entah ke mana cuma untuk ngprint skripsi dan memperbaiki tulisan yang salah.

Kejadian menarik waktu itu adalah Try dan Imelda buru-buru datang ke kosanku setelah ujian karena khawatir. Aku benar-benar tidak bisa dihubungi (hape entah kena tumpuk ke mana, remember?) dan aku sama tidak dilihat satu pun temanku hari itu hahahahaha. Mereka takut aku pingsan (so sweet!). Akhirnya, entah mukzijat dari mana pengumpulan skripsi bisa diundur dengan minta surat aku-lupa-namanya dari jurusan. Jadi, tidur.

Pulang Bangka, Papaku meninggal. Skripsi aku serahkan ke teman-temanku.

Kembali ke Jakarta. Skripsi selesai (understatement sekali ini--intinya selesai dengan pertumpahan darah, keringat, tinta, dan uang di mana-mana). Ujian susulan karena aku melewatkan ujian akhir dua mata kuliah sewaktu pulang Bangka. Imelda kembali ke rumahnya dan... kami melanjutkan hidup kami masing-masing (lagi).

Sampai akhirnya pontang-panting sendiri setelah jadwal sidang keluar mendadak dengan banyaknya revisi yang ingin dibuat (kami salah membuat diagram yang dicetak di atas kertas A0 yang segede gaban itu). Ini akibat asumsi bahwa jadwal kami tidak akan keluar di bulan itu. Setelah itu, konsultasi dan revisi di menjelang hari sidang (dua hari sebelum sidang), membuat presentasi dan video (satu hari sebelum sidang), belajar sama-sama, dan besoknya sidang. Oh, waktu revisi itu bahkan kami masih mendapat saran untuk mengubah hampir seluruh konsep di skripsi *pingsan*, untung akhirnya cuma revisi diagram *ga jadi pingsan*. Waktu belajar bab dua, kami menyesal banyaknya materi yang entah kesurupan apa dimasukkan. Momen ini aku dan Try berantem untuk pertama kalinya karena masalah sepele (salah ngomong dan bad attitude gitulah) selagi membuat presentasi. For the first time, aku dan Try yang biasanya hahahihi itu diam seribu bahasa dan ngomong ketus (jika diingat lagi malah pengen ngakak). Akhirnya baikan lagi kok hahahaha.

penampakan diagram salah di atas kertas a0 yang melengenda itu (sebenarnya yang kami kumpulkan diagramnya agak beda tapi kira-kira beginilah)

Ya, begitulah (understatement again!). Penuh dengan emosi (peluk, senyum, tawa, keringat, dan air mata hahahaha). Akhirnya, kesampaian juga kami foto di depan logo Binus yang melegenda itu.

bersama ko rhio sutoyo (pembimbing yang suuuuuuuuuper banget!)

well, just wan try mel 

just wan try mel (again)

me and try vs. thesis

me and imelda vs. thesis

 bersama para power rangers lain

Setelah perang di sidang dan masa malas-malasan, ada masa revisi dan pengumpulan hardcover skripsi. Tidak ada drama yang signifikan.

penampakan akhir skripsi hardcover kami detik-detik sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak yang berwajib (good byeeee, anakku!)

Tiba-tiba Ko Rhio message Facebook, memberi tahu bahwa kelompok kami dan beberapa teman-teman yang lain mendapat dana hibah dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Artikel Ilmiah (PKM-AI) yang kami semua sudah lupa pernah ajukan (mungkin di bulan Februari atau Januari akhir). Artikel ilmiah itu kami kumpulkan sejujurnya dari "himbauan" Ko Rhio: jika kami ingin tanda tangan di laporan skripsi, harus mengumpulkan artikel ilmiah ke Dikti (thank banget, Ko hahaha). Ini sama sekali di luar ambisi dan ekspektasi.

penampakan file pdf yang bikin shock itu

Artikel ilmiah yang kami kumpulkan untuk PKM-AI dapat di-download di sini. Siapa tahu ada yang berminat mengembangkannya untuk skripsi hahahahaha.

Untuk projek ini, kami berterima kasih banget kepada Christie Liu, pemilik Christie's Galleries yang kami pakai untuk skripsi kami dan menjadi sohib kental kami selama skripsi (coba minta Imelda atau Try mengetik "Christie's Galleries" dengan baik dan benar, pasti anak-anak itu bisa dengan mata ditutup dan cuma pakai jempol sangking seringnya). Monggo belanja di Christie's Galleries hahahaha.





Intinya kelulusan dan khususnya skripsi itu banyak sekali pihak yang membantu kami: the most of all, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, Ko Rhio Sutoyo, Christie Liu, Kak Alvina Aulia, dosen-dosen yang pernah mengajar kami dan membantu kami, teman-teman seperjuangan, Google, pihak jurusan, dan tentu saja orang tua kami :")

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