Recently, I got a problem. The local disk on the computer used at my working place was so full and not accessible. We used Windows as an operating system. The problem was that computer was used as a server and could not work properly.
If you get the similar problem, you can solve it by these steps (source:!topic/ general/6uzZBEJwbBE).
1. Open a Command Prompt Windows (Start -> Run -> cmd).
2. Type on Command Prompt chkdsk f: /l:4096 /f (this will make the size of the log file 4MB from 65MB).
4. Clean some disk space (I'd recommend at least 10% so you don't encounter this issue again.)
5. In the Command Prompt, type chkdsk f: /l:65536 /f (You will encounter other issues if you don't. This command will set the log size back to 65MB).
6. Do like I did and have a drink for recovering a critical production server.
Hope it will help you :)
Nice Blog Post !
ReplyDeleteThank you - this helped us at the Free Library of Philadelphia :-)