Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Monday, March 2, 2015

[LIFE] What Happened in 2014?

I know, I know, it's soooo late to post this kind of post. I wrote this post on December 2014 and it stayed on the draft because I haven't got the chance (or mood) to complete it. When I opened my blog today and saw my draft, I just got the power to finish it all of sudden, so I took the chance before my beloved mood went away.

On this post, I would like to review some life-changing events that came in my life in 2014 and I would like to share the lesson that I learnt from it. I hope you guys see it as a sharing moment, not pompous review.

If you guys read my previous post about my thesis experience, you will see that for me, thesis is such a tiring things to experience yet when you survive, you will see the beauty of graduation. For college students facing thesis, sleepless nights must be their best friends.
Sometimes, we faced a dead-end, yet we just felt that it was worth the fight. My thesis team consisted of three people including me. They were the ones that fight with me all along. Sometimes we quarreled over a small tiny things! Hahaha... However, I would not make it without them.

a. Whatever happens, the members of the team sticks together.
Yes, we faced many problems and helpless moment. At the last day of submitting the topic, we met the zero! Nothing! Because the last topic we proposed was not acceptable and so far of our imagination. Yet, we still stuck together. I remember the night like yesterday. We gathered on my friend's room and searched for an available topic. Silent. Just sigh breath. We made it! We were fearless and faithful.

When my father passed away, they were the ones that I could rely on although the deadline was coming like a chasing dog. I thought that we're bond by the same goal. When a team comes with the same bonding goal, they won't break the bond and keep fighting together.

b. Preparation matters.
I thought we could do better if we had more preparation. The schedule for our thesis defense came suddenly and we're not ready at all. We had some revision on our paper and we had not finished it yet. A day before the defense, we just finished the revision and completely had time to study the material.
Some of my friends with better preparation didn't face the problems which we encountered. Yes, learn it from us, prepare yourself with the best things long before you face it. The sharp knife will cut the tree easier.

I lost my father right before he could see me graduate. In the middle of my last exam, in the middle of my thesis deadline, right after the happiness of Chinese New Year, I lost one of my greatest hero. Well, I never thought that I would lose my father at such a young age. As a child, I would always think that my parents would be with me for endless period of time. Do you feel the same? I saw the death of my friend's loved ones before and I could not imagine it happen to me. It's like a hole on your heart that will never heal. You lost the piece of your heart forever.
I remember the last conversation I had with my father. It was the Chinese New Year morning, when I called to say the new year wish to my father. He cried without a response to my wish. He could not say anything at all. I could not imagine that was the last time I heard my father's voice and breath.

You will see that how lame your excuse to make them happy after you're successful. When you're growing, they keep getting older. No way, we must not wait. We cannot make them happy, all we can do just sit there with them and talk anything with them. Spend the time with them. If you could see my life, you would understand how regretful I'm. They don't need your money, they just need to see your smile and share the life with them.

My father was diagnosed with stroke in the middle of 2014. It came so suddenly and I would never think my father could suffer and have a poor health. This opened my eyes that my parents was growing older, older, and weaker. They won't be always young and waiting for you to come home.

Like point #2, they need you now.

I graduated and looked for a job right after. I never imagined that looking for a job was such a tiring experience. I applied for various jobs. I got the chance to be interviewed for some of them and some of them was silent-till-the-end. Sad, exhausted, and inspired. Take a look of my experience posted on this post.

Never underestimate the power of CV and interview preparation. Review your CV periodically and never use same CV for different job area application. See my tips for job interview at this post (sorry, it was written in Indonesian and I haven't got the mood to translate that).

Sunday, October 19, 2014

[LIFE] My Life Without FB, Twitter, IG, and Path

A month ago, my pal, Janet Valentina, out of nowhere, challenged me not to open any social media.(This gal is so random!). Howeveeeer, we compromised some rules, e.i.:

  1. No Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Path because we felt that those social media are the most popular ones in our lives and most of youngsters. However, since Ms. Valentina works closely with social media, so we're allowed to open company's account (well, just Janet, I didn't handle the company's account).
  2. The challenge was valid in a month.
  3. We has to blog the article about it.

I thought: okay, let's do this.

Okay, my blog would be:


Well, I believe most of us depends on social media to see what the hack happens in the world. I myself is really lazy of opening the direct news website or reading the newspaper. So, it's lame, guys. I was less-updated. I didn't know anything at first. I didn't know there were a protest against Mr. Ahok as the next governor. I didn't get it when people talked about the things happened in social media. I was so confused. I relied on social media too much to get the update. So, just open the news portal and read the newspaper, dude! I did, and it helped me to see the lifestyle of people changes a lot, especially us, the young adult.

All people needs information. Stopping using social media doesn't mean that we has to shut it down. Come on, just bookmark two or more reliable news portals and we will be okay.

My life didn't get affected so much without interacting with them (like their status, comment). Oh, come on! Do you guys still see them as your real friends? I really appreciate the small number of my friends that keep me around them without this social media. I love them all! I enjoy a direct socializing.

By doing this, I realized how much wasted life that I went to by checking every single updates of social media. When I got the time off, I went somewhere and met the real people. I'm not such a social animal but I believe meeting the people that you love to meet directly is more appreciative.

Imagine if we could use the time that we wasted on social media meaninglessly by doing something more beneficial, for example having the pleasing time with our family, hiking, mopping the floor. It would be fantastic.

Well, sometimes I get such a annoying post on social media with negative or provocative statements. Some said they hate their lives. Some said they hate their partners. I felt my life was quite enjoyable without seeing the negative update. Remember, negativity spreads like smallpox. If we get used to seeing someone complaining, deep inside we just instill the thought that it's okay to spread out every complaints. Well, go check reality. It's not okay.

e. LESS ADDICTED (updated)
One of major impact is I became less addicted to any social media. I tended to check social media when I didn't know what to do. Now, I lost the interest to dwell into newsfeed. When I didn't see anything useful or entertaining, I closed the social media tab or app.

Well, you can see my account and you won't see any posts on September 20th, 2014 until October 20th, 2014. *wink*

Friday, August 15, 2014

[LIFE] Skripsi (Sebuah Perjuangan) - Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis

"Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis"

Mungkin kalimat ini akan selalu nyangkut di kepalaku mengingat seringnya kalimat ini diulang-ulang, dikomat-kamit, dan dirombak ulang sewaktu aku dan teman-temanku (Try "XYC" Permatasari dan Imelda) harus menyusun skripsi di semester tujuh (2013-2014).

JULI 2013
Bila berbicara tentang skripsi kami ini, rasanya ingin nangis beneran. Topik ini dipilih setelah hampir lima topik lain diusulkan dalam proposal skripsi dan kandas di tengah jalan (sekarang cukup senang topik-topik itu kandas, I had no idea how to run those topics). Topik ini ajaibnya lahir satu hari sebelum deadline pengumpulan proposal skripsi. Waktu itu akhirnya aku benar-benar percaya statemen klise "JANGAN MENYERAH" (*background sound d'Masiv*), bayangkan sehari sebelum proposal itu harus dikumpulkan, semua ide skripsi masih mentah.

Aku ingat waktu itu pulang dari bertemu dengan calon dosen pembimbing (yang akhirnya TRULY jadi dosen pembimbing) kami, wajah kami bertiga seperti orang kena vonis mati petang itu. Harapan lulus tepat waktu di ujung tanduuuuk, maaaaaaaan! Akhirnya kami putuskan untuk mengumpulkan proposal dengan topik sebelumnya sambil menggojlok topik yang akan kami jadikan skripsi. Untungnya, Ko Rhio Sutoyo, itu lho calon dosen pembimbing yang disebutkan di atas, setuju dan mau jadi dosen pembimbing (dan kami yakin itu juga ada faktor kasihan hahahahahahahahaha).

Topik yang kami ajukan di proposal waktu itu tentang web semantik untuk web portal jurnal (yang entah apa isi aku sudah lupa semua). Setelah itu, melalui sumber-sumber di Internet (Oh, thank you sooo much Google!), kami memilih topik yang berbunyi seperti ini "Perancangan Web E-Commerce Terintegrasi dengan Market Basket Analysis, Selling Forecast, dan Analisis Web", lalu aku dan Try Permatasari pulang kampung (Bangka) dan Imelda pulang ke rumahnya, dan melanjutkan hidup kami masing-masing.

Skripsi benar-benar berada di planet lain. Setiap hari aku harus membantu di toko karena Papaku waktu itu sedang recovery stroke. Jadi, aktivitasku hanya membantu di toko dan mengantar Papa terapi. Jika teman-temanku yang lain sudah mulai mengerjakan program untuk skripsi mereka, bahkan ada yang programnya hampir jadi, skripsi kami masih bentuk khayalan di kepala masing-masing. Sampai suatu hari, Ko Rhio chat WhatsApp menanyakan perkembangan skripsi kami, dan aku hanya bisa menjelaskan bahwa masih belum bisa mulai. (Thank you sooo much for your consideration, Ko :'))

Akhirnya perkuliahan hampir dimulai dan aku harus kembali ke Jakarta dan (rencananya) mulai menyusun skripsi. Akhirnya masalah pertama pun harus kami hadapi. Karena skripsi kami memerlukan implementasi bisnis secara riil, kami harus memiliki usaha yang menginginkan bisnisnya kami pilih dan datanya dipublikasikan. Sampai mendekati bulan Oktober, belum ada satu pun toko-toko online yang bersedia kami jadikan contoh implementasi skripsi kami, sehingga pemrograman web tidak bisa dimulai. Waktu itu cuma remah-remah bab pertamalah yang kami kerjakan sambil terus konsultasi dengan Ko Rhio.

Setelah berusahan menghubungi teman-teman yang bisa membantu, akhirnya kami menerima bantuan dari serorang yang sangat baik hati, Christie Liu, yang aku kenal dari salah satu kakak kelasku. Christie bersedia membantu kami dengan memberikan izin usaha toko online-nya, Christie's Galleries dipakai dan diobok-obok. Thanks, God. Oke, satu masalah clear.

Setelah berkonsultasi dengan Ko Rhio, akhirnya embel-embel Selling Forecast dan Analisis Web dihapus karena takut projek skripsi tidak akan selesai tepat waktu (lega sekaliiii! *jungkir balik*). Satu teknik saja sudah sangat ribet apalagi tiga. Jadilah Market Basket Analysis ini fokus topik skripsi kami (yang sumpah ribet banget dan sumber untuk belajarnya masih sangat terbatas).

Kegiatan yang rutin kami lakukan di bulan-bulan ini: menulis laporan skripsi, mengerjakan web, bimbingan, kuliah (yang ga kerasa banget), dan chat dengan Christie dan minta ini itu. Di bulan-bulan ini kadang kala kami begadang sampai pagi, jadi pelupuk mata tambah hitam dan kantung mata tambah besar secara drastis. Tahun baru dilewatkan seperti angin sepoi-sepoi alias ga kerasa.

Ini bulan penuh dengan perjuangan. Bulan deadline skripsi di depan mata dan skripsi masih jauh dari rampung. Bulan ini mandiku bisa sangat lama karena memikirkan skripsi (ga tau kalo mandi itu bagiku banyak banget ilham yang masuk ke kepala). Kami bertiga sangat depresi. Web belum jadi-jadi, database masih ada salahnya, penulisan masih jauh, dan rekomendasi tampilannya masih kacau. Aku ingat suatu hari si Imelda pernah berceloteh bahwa di database kami tidak ada ukuran untuk produk dan benar saja, di minggu terakhir pengumpulan skripsi kami masih merobak database cuma karena tidak ada ukuran! Hampir Imlek kami malah depresi parah. Selain itu, ujian akhir semester hampir di depan mata. (Jujur, kuliah semester tujuh itu seperti ditiup angin, dirasain waktu masuk kelas saja, setelah itu tidak terasa lagi. No offence. This is just my honest opinion.)

***IMLEK HARI KE-1, 2, 3, dan 4***
Imelda pulang ke rumah dan aku ke rumah tanteku. Rencananya ngerayain Imlek sampai hari kedua, tapi aku malah molor kembali ke kosan sampai hari ketiga malam karena aku pikir skripsi sudah hampir selesai dan tinggal dicetak saja. Dan ternyata... malam hari ketiga Imlek itu aku begadang karena ngprint skripsi kami itu susahnya minta ampun. Banyak, bolak-balik, halaman kedua potrait dan halaman selanjutnya landscape. Ngprint sendirian karena Imelda dan Try yang sekelas waktu itu ada ujian dan besok deadline mengumpulkan skripsi. Kalang kabut, ga tidur, ga makan pagi, ga makan siang, ga mandi, mengurung diri di kosan, hape sudah tenggelam entah ke mana cuma untuk ngprint skripsi dan memperbaiki tulisan yang salah.

Kejadian menarik waktu itu adalah Try dan Imelda buru-buru datang ke kosanku setelah ujian karena khawatir. Aku benar-benar tidak bisa dihubungi (hape entah kena tumpuk ke mana, remember?) dan aku sama tidak dilihat satu pun temanku hari itu hahahahaha. Mereka takut aku pingsan (so sweet!). Akhirnya, entah mukzijat dari mana pengumpulan skripsi bisa diundur dengan minta surat aku-lupa-namanya dari jurusan. Jadi, tidur.

Pulang Bangka, Papaku meninggal. Skripsi aku serahkan ke teman-temanku.

Kembali ke Jakarta. Skripsi selesai (understatement sekali ini--intinya selesai dengan pertumpahan darah, keringat, tinta, dan uang di mana-mana). Ujian susulan karena aku melewatkan ujian akhir dua mata kuliah sewaktu pulang Bangka. Imelda kembali ke rumahnya dan... kami melanjutkan hidup kami masing-masing (lagi).

Sampai akhirnya pontang-panting sendiri setelah jadwal sidang keluar mendadak dengan banyaknya revisi yang ingin dibuat (kami salah membuat diagram yang dicetak di atas kertas A0 yang segede gaban itu). Ini akibat asumsi bahwa jadwal kami tidak akan keluar di bulan itu. Setelah itu, konsultasi dan revisi di menjelang hari sidang (dua hari sebelum sidang), membuat presentasi dan video (satu hari sebelum sidang), belajar sama-sama, dan besoknya sidang. Oh, waktu revisi itu bahkan kami masih mendapat saran untuk mengubah hampir seluruh konsep di skripsi *pingsan*, untung akhirnya cuma revisi diagram *ga jadi pingsan*. Waktu belajar bab dua, kami menyesal banyaknya materi yang entah kesurupan apa dimasukkan. Momen ini aku dan Try berantem untuk pertama kalinya karena masalah sepele (salah ngomong dan bad attitude gitulah) selagi membuat presentasi. For the first time, aku dan Try yang biasanya hahahihi itu diam seribu bahasa dan ngomong ketus (jika diingat lagi malah pengen ngakak). Akhirnya baikan lagi kok hahahaha.

penampakan diagram salah di atas kertas a0 yang melengenda itu (sebenarnya yang kami kumpulkan diagramnya agak beda tapi kira-kira beginilah)

Ya, begitulah (understatement again!). Penuh dengan emosi (peluk, senyum, tawa, keringat, dan air mata hahahaha). Akhirnya, kesampaian juga kami foto di depan logo Binus yang melegenda itu.

bersama ko rhio sutoyo (pembimbing yang suuuuuuuuuper banget!)

well, just wan try mel 

just wan try mel (again)

me and try vs. thesis

me and imelda vs. thesis

 bersama para power rangers lain

Setelah perang di sidang dan masa malas-malasan, ada masa revisi dan pengumpulan hardcover skripsi. Tidak ada drama yang signifikan.

penampakan akhir skripsi hardcover kami detik-detik sebelum diserahkan kepada pihak yang berwajib (good byeeee, anakku!)

Tiba-tiba Ko Rhio message Facebook, memberi tahu bahwa kelompok kami dan beberapa teman-teman yang lain mendapat dana hibah dari Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Artikel Ilmiah (PKM-AI) yang kami semua sudah lupa pernah ajukan (mungkin di bulan Februari atau Januari akhir). Artikel ilmiah itu kami kumpulkan sejujurnya dari "himbauan" Ko Rhio: jika kami ingin tanda tangan di laporan skripsi, harus mengumpulkan artikel ilmiah ke Dikti (thank banget, Ko hahaha). Ini sama sekali di luar ambisi dan ekspektasi.

penampakan file pdf yang bikin shock itu

Artikel ilmiah yang kami kumpulkan untuk PKM-AI dapat di-download di sini. Siapa tahu ada yang berminat mengembangkannya untuk skripsi hahahahaha.

Untuk projek ini, kami berterima kasih banget kepada Christie Liu, pemilik Christie's Galleries yang kami pakai untuk skripsi kami dan menjadi sohib kental kami selama skripsi (coba minta Imelda atau Try mengetik "Christie's Galleries" dengan baik dan benar, pasti anak-anak itu bisa dengan mata ditutup dan cuma pakai jempol sangking seringnya). Monggo belanja di Christie's Galleries hahahaha.





Intinya kelulusan dan khususnya skripsi itu banyak sekali pihak yang membantu kami: the most of all, Tuhan Yang Maha Pengasih, Ko Rhio Sutoyo, Christie Liu, Kak Alvina Aulia, dosen-dosen yang pernah mengajar kami dan membantu kami, teman-teman seperjuangan, Google, pihak jurusan, dan tentu saja orang tua kami :")

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